1. equiFind an index in an array such that its prefix sum equals its suffix sum.
Task description
This is a demo task. You can read about this task and its solutions in this blog post.
A zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. Anequilibrium index of this array is any integer P such that 0 ≤ P < N and the sum of elements of lower indices is equal to the sum of elements of higher indices, i.e.
P = 3 is an equilibrium index of this array, because:
A[0] + A[1] + A[2] = A[4] + A[5] + A[6]
P = 6 is also an equilibrium index, because:
A[0] + A[1] + A[2] + A[3] + A[4] + A[5] = 0
and there are no elements with indices greater than 6.
P = 7 is not an equilibrium index, because it does not fulfill the condition 0 ≤ P < N.
Write a function
class Solution { public int equi(int[] A); }
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers, returns any of its equilibrium indices. The function should return −1 if no equilibrium index exists.
Assume that:
N is an integer within the range [0..10,000,000];
each element of array A is an integer within the range [−2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647].
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